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Capacity Development Materials



What makes for a good Short-Term Expert 55.60 KB 76 downloads

INCOSAI Flyer What makes for a good Short-Term Expert ...

Who are we 54.27 KB 82 downloads


How to Increase the Use and Impact of Audit Reports (2010) ENG 149.89 KB 533 downloads

This guide aims to help the audit reports of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) have...

How to Increase the Use and Impact of Audit Reports (2010) FRA 185.11 KB 98 downloads

Le présent Guide a comme objectif d’aider les Institutions supérieures de contrôle...

How to Increase the Use and Impact of Audit Reports (2010) GER 320.06 KB 65 downloads

Dieser Leitfaden soll dazu beitragen, die Wirksamkeit von Prüfungsberichten zu erhöhen....

How to Increase the Use and Impact of Audit Reports (2010) CHN 681.42 KB 64 downloads

该指南的目标是使最高审计机关的审计报告更具影响力。对于每一个最高审计机 关来说,获得影响力的范围和可能性都是不一样的,这取决于授权和组织结构。有 些最高审计机关被禁止在公开场合发布审计结果,有些最高审计机关却没有发布审 计结果的途径,而另外一些最高审计机关虽可以向立法机构报告审计结果,却其权 限不允许其自行拟定审计建议。 ...

How to Increase the Use and Impact of Audit Reports (2010) ARA 419.11 KB 111 downloads

يهدف هذا الدليل إلى المساعدة على أن يكون لتقارير...

How to Increase the Use and Impact of Audit Reports (2010) SPA 28.00 KB 161 downloads

Esta guía se propone ayudar a que los reportes de auditoría de las Entidades Fiscalizadoras...

SAI Capacity Building Guide CHN 1.72 MB 302 downloads

This guide addresses the effective functioning of an organization, in terms of catering...

Managing Information Communications Technology (2015) 223.99 KB 327 downloads

This guide helps identify the key aspects that comprise a modern ICT capability, recognising...