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Please find below the outline programme for the Annual Meetings of the Capacity Building Committee and the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation Steering Committee, taking place in Cape Town, 3-6 October, 2016.

Programme CBC/IDC meetings Cape Town, 3-6 October 2016

Meeting Documents

(for full programme, please see above)

Monday 3 October                                                                                                                                                                                    

09:00-12:30 CBC work streams:

▪ Peer Reviews▪ Cooperative Audits ▪ IntoSAINT ▪ INTOSAI Auditor Certification

14.00-16.30 CBC opening session

Tuesday 4 October

08.30-12.00 CBC plenary session – Theme 1: “Maximising SAI cooperation in support of capacity development”.

13.00-16.30 Regional Forum for Capacity Development:

  • Framework on regional professionalism –adoption of a revised draft Framework based on feedback from the Regions
  • Regional strategic planning for effective capacity development
  • Strategic perspectives from the regions on key challenges and opportunities to successful capacity development (panel discussion

Wednesday 5 October

08.00-10.00 Synergy / joint session – Theme 2: “Maximising the benefits of the SAI PMF in support of SAI capacity development

Theme II: SAI PMF Progress Report

10.30-13.00 CBC Steering Committee, including finalization of resolutions:

Approval of the agenda

Draft Agenda                                                                                                                                          

Approval of draft minutes from CBC’s Steering Committee meeting in Stockholm, 2015

Draft Minutes CBC Steering Committee of 10 Sept 2015

INTOSAI Strategic Plan – presentation and endorsement of CBC objectives and initiatives

Reports from the CBC work streams:

Subcommittee on cooperative audits (Peru)

4-a Cooperative Audits Report to SC

Subcommittee on Peer Reviews (Slovakia)

4-b-Peer Review Report to SC,  4-b-ISSAI 5600-2016 endorsement draft4-b-ISSAI 5600- annex, 4-b-Peer Review Conference 2018 and 4-b-Peer Review Conference 2018-rationale                 

IntoSAINT (Netherlands)

4-c-IntoSAINT report to the SC                                                                                                                 

Task Group on INTOSAI Auditor Certification (South Africa)

4-d-TGIAC Covering Note to SC 2016, 4-d-Enabling Mechanisms  Position Paper, and 4-d-Competency Framework

Regional forum for capacity development  (South Africa)

4-e- Draft Framework for Regional Professionalism

SAI PMF (South Africa/IDI)

4-f SAI PMF Strategy 2017-2019

SAIs in fragile situations (Sweden)

4-g Draft ToR SAIs in Fragile Situations

CBC Guidance (UK)

4-h-CBC Guides and Occasional Papers Report to SC                                                                                   

CBC website (Sweden)

 Approval of CBC Work Plan (2017-19) – The Draft CBC Work Plan will be based on a summary of the work stream reports and will be provided in Cape Town.

 Venue and proposed dates for next meeting

 Update on arrangements for XXII INCOSAI  

 Any other business

 Closing remarks by CBC Chair

14.00-17.30 INTOSAI-Donor Steering Committee (open session)

– for documents please refer to distribution made by INTOSAI-Donor Secretariat.


Thursday 6 October

INTOSAI-Donor Steering Committee (Members and Official Observers)

– for documents please refer to distribution made by INTOSAI-Donor Secretariat.







PASAI blog: Partnership is pivotal to SAI capacity building

PASAI blog: Partnership is pivotal to SAI capacity building

By Sinaroseta Palamo-Iosefo, Director Practice Development, PASAI Last month, I had the privilege of attending the INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee (CBC) Annual Meeting in Kingston, Jamaica. Other meetings held jointly with the CBC meeting were the INTOSAI Donor...